понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

How to Build Muscle Mass and Gain Weight Naturally

How to Build Muscle Mass and Gain Weight Naturally
how to build muscle naturally

Top Best 5 Ways How to Build Muscle Mass Naturally for people who Struggle to Gain Weight

Damon asked me how to gain weight… First, let me say, I know dozens of people who’d love to be in your shoes… myself included. Gaining weight can be equally difficult as losing weight. I completely understand and appreciate the frustration and desire to want to be comfy in your own skin.

Frustrating? Yes. Impossible? No.

Before we can solve the problem we have to find out what’s causing it.

Here are the top 5 possible causes:

Are you sick? Do you take medications with side effects that affect hunger? Are you anorexic? Solution? Go to the doctor… asap.

If you’ve always been thin, lightly muscles with teeny tiny bones, have always been able to eat whatever you want and not gain weight. The cause is most likely your genetic structure.

Here’s the scoop. You’re genetically geared to be naturally thin because your metabolism is fired up. Here are the Top 5 ways, to swim against the currant of your gene pool and gain weight. Quickly and naturally.

Tip #1 Eat every 2 hours…

…even when you’re not hungry. I recommend 350 calories per meal. But, there’s a catch…

Tip #2 Pay attention to Calorie Quality and Quantity

Your first instinct may be to hang with Ben and Jerry. It is possible to be skinny and fat. By this I mean have more that 24% body fat even though you’re rocking XS sizes. This affects your health and increases your likelihood of developing diseases. Diseases and heart problems aren’t cute. So fill you plate with every 2 hours with a protein, fat, and complex carb.

Healthy proteins, steak, chicken, salmon, and eggs are great choices. Protein shakes are too, when done the right way. Check out the recipe below.

Every meal should also include a serving of healthy fats like, olive oil, avocado, nuts, cheese, and low sugar yogurt.

Also add a serving or two of complex carbs, oatmeal, whole wheat breads, beagles, wraps, potatoes, veggies, fruit.

Tip #3 Work your Muscles

Train all of your muscles at least one time a week. In order to build lean muscle mass, choose a weight that is heavy enough that the exercises are hard. Meaning you max out around 8 to 10 reps for women, 6-8 reps for men. You’ll need less weight for your upper body and more for your core and legs. Whatever weight you choose the last 1-2 reps Should. Be. Hard. Start with 4 days a week, then add on sessions as your muscles adapt. Confuse your muscles and switch up the exercises you do every 2 week to prevent adaptation and stalemates in progress.

Tip #4 Rest & Sleep

Stop moving. You know how they tell people who want to lose weight to ‘move more’ or ‘take the stairs, not the elevator?’ Not you my friend. Reduce movement. Take the elevator. Sit on the couch. Park close to the entrance of the store.

Tip #5 Be Consistent

Slow and steady wins the race. Just like with losing weight expect to gain .5 -2 pounds a week. The increase will fluctuate from week – to – week. Don’t give up. Eat clean, train mean and over time your muscles will grow. Women will see tight, sexy toned muscles and definition. Men will experience more mass, gains, and ‘bulk’. Woohoo! Eat every 3 hours, weight train at 4-6 days a week. Your weight will increase and you’ll live happily ever after.

It can be done. You CAN do it.

It works if you work it. So work it, You’re worth it!


Your Biggest Cheerleader –

Christina Carlyle

p.s. If it ever becomes possible to swap metabolisms gimme a call. I. Love. To. Eat.

Pin this post so you’ll have it forever.

P.P.S. If you’re struggling with motivation and feeling down more than you’re feeling up… you may be experiencing metabolic dysfunction or side effects from toxic buildup. Take my free metabolic analysis and I’ll explain what your body type is, if you’re having symptoms of metabolic dysfunction and how you can fix it and start feeling happier, healthier and get fit fast.

how to build muscle mass and gain weight naturally

Original article and pictures take https://www.christinacarlyle.com/how-to-build-muscle-mass-and-gain-weight-naturally/ site

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