понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

Yoga Morning Routine Workout (Download PDF)

Yoga Morning Routine Workout (Download PDF)
Yoga Morning Sequence

An energizing morning yoga practice can work as a natural stimulant to set you up for a productive day.

While an hour-long yoga class would be ideal to get the day started, unfortunately sometimes we don’t have the time. This short yoga morning routine encourages the use of breathing and gentle movement. Practice a few minutes a day and reap the full benefits.

Scroll Below To See Full Instructions Along With Our Printable PDF For The Yoga Morning Routine Workout

1) 8 yoga exercises

2) Instructions on how to perform each exercise

3) Infographic with visual instructions to follow online

4) Print PDF available at the end of the infographic









How To Do A Child Pose

1) On a mat start in a kneeling position with your thighs touching.

2) Drop your butt toward your heels and stretch your body forward with your stomach comfortably on top of your thighs.

3) In a fully stretched position rest your arms in a relaxed position in front of you on the floor and rest your forehead on the mat. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders, buttocks, spine and arms.

How To Do A Wide Leg Child Pose

Repeat child pose with the exception of placing your legs wide apart as noted in the image above.

How To Do A Downward Pose

1) Start in a standing position.

2) Place your hands in a prayer position.

3) Inhale and raise your hands up fully extend from the side and finger tips touch at the top.

4) Exhale and hinge into standing forward bend with palms touching the mat.

5) Inhale and extend your spine into standing half forward bend with fingers touching the top of your feet.

6) Exhale and step or jump back to plank pose.

7) Exhale and push your hips toward the sky as you step each foot back until your body exhibits a downward dog in the shape of an inverted “V”. Keep palms flat on mat.

8) To exit pose, move your feet forward into standing forward bend with palms touching the mat.

How To Do A Upward Pose

1) Lie flat on your belly.

2) Bend your arms and rest your palms on the floor on either side of your chest.

3) Inhale and squeeze your shoulders up to your ears.

4) Exhale and press your hands down while straightening your arms, bringing your torso and legs up off the floor as if you were doing a half push-up.

5) Slide your hands against the floor closer towards your feet while keeping your hips high.

6) Lengthen the sides of your body and keep your neck long.

How To Do A Low Lunge

1) From a downward dog pose, exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning right knee over the heel.

2) Keep your right leg in this position, bring your lower knee towards the floor.

3) Slide the left leg back until you feel the muscles stretching in your groin and as well as in the front of your left thigh.

4) The front part of your left foot should be turned to the floor.

5) Now inhale while lifting your body and making it upright.

6) Spread your arms to the sides and upwards. They should be perpendicular to the ground.

7) Lift your pubic bone towards your belly button and press your tailbone downwards.

8) Push your chest backwards as if against your back.

9) Lift your head upwards.

10) Stretch your fingers towards the ceiling.

11) Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

12) Bring your hands down to the floor, and move your body towards the right thigh.

13) Exhale and take your left knee off the ground and step back into the original starting yoga pose for step #1.

14) Repeat all the above steps with the left leg and hold the position for the same amount of time.

How To Do A Lunge Twist

1) Step your right foot forward between your hands, with your feet hip-width apart.

2) Place your left hand on the floor directly under your shoulder and twist to the right.

3) Keep your hips square as you reach your right arm toward the ceiling.

How To Do A Chest To Thigh Pose

With knees bent and hands interlaced behind back, fold your body forward and keep your knees bent. This pose stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips.

How To Do A Lotus Pose

1) Start by sitting on the floor with legs out straight.

2) Bend the right knee and bring the foot across the body towards the left elbow.

3) If you can, hook your right foot in the left elbow and the right knee in the right elbow, bringing the hands together and creating a cradle for the leg and foot.

4) You can gently rock the leg back and forth to open the hip up a little more.

5) Bring the right foot down so the outside edge rests on the left groin.

6) Lean back slightly, lift the right leg off the ground and bend the left knee.

7) Bring the left foot across the body and into the right groin.

8) Firmly press your heels into your belly.

9) Sit tall, keeping your spine straight..

10) Rest your palms on your knees, facing up, down or pressed together in front of your chest.

11) Hold pose for up to 60 seconds.

12) Repeat step 1 to 11 now with the left knee bent in step 2.

Tips To Perform The Yoga Morning Workout

1) Perform every morning

2) During each pose inhale slowly taking a deep breath then exhale slowly

3) Relax and release any thoughts that lead to stress

4) Hold each pose 30 to 60 seconds

5) Complete each pose on either side of the body depending upon the pose

Benefits Of Yoga In The Morning

1) Encourages better sleep

2) It’s calming

3) Boost metabolism

4) Look younger

5) Builds habit to exercise

Additional Tip

As soon as you wake up, try to get outside to practice or open a window to get fresh air.

Finally stretch when you can. There is mounting scientific proof that a sedentary life leads to health problems.


Yoga Morning Routine

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Original article and pictures take http://www.changeinseconds.com/yoga-morning-routine/ site

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